It's 11:42 pm on Sunday night and I know I should be sleeping. But one of the lovely things about periMENTALpause is insomnia. So I am going to turn on World Cup highlights and try counting sexy soccer players until I get to sleep.
G'night Ladies!
Kim turns 50 this year and all Hell's breaking loose. It's a mad, mad, mad world of mascara, motherhood, mentalpause, momzillas, and matrimonial misadventures! Join me, we'll be kicking lash and taking names!

Sunday, June 29, 2014
Saturday, June 14, 2014
I can't believe how often I hear women say "Men are sooo lucky, they don't have to wear makeup or dye their hair, or worry about their clothes, shoes etc... "
Really? I feel like we are the lucky ones! How much fun is it to be able to change your look according to your moods and whims? Men, in general, are pretty limited to how much they can (or will) change their looks on a given day. Ladies, however, can experiment. I think self-expression and art and beauty are soul-serving! I LOVE pretty makeup and clothes and when I find something that is the perfect color and fabric and cut to make me feel beautiful it is,well, JOYFUL!
There are plenty of studies out there about color psychology and how certain colors affect your mood. Wearing a "happy" color, or a bold one, does improve your mood and your confidence. So wearing them on your face in a way that enhances your natural beauty can only be a good thing. It's not about covering up or feeling your aren't beautiful enough- it's about enhancing, creating a mood, an image that you may want to show the world on any given day. Whatever men may think, we don't wear makeup for you. Sorry if that bursts your bubble- but it's largely true. We wear it for ourselves- for fun, for a confidence boost, or just because we like the beauty and drama of it.
I heart makeup!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
My Favorite Four-letter Word
When did "nice" become a "four-letter word?"
Have you ever heard someone say he or she is "too nice", and you just knew when they were saying it that what they really meant is ... annoying, fake, or too nice to be effective, or strong, or a leader. When did being nice become a negative thing? When did it become a "lack" of something?
I would like to offer the following. A person who is easy-going, friendly, kind, ie: nice - is probably also a person has a lot of very desirable qualities such as:
1. Positive
2. Empathetic
3. Patient
4. Leads by example
5. Of good character
6. Thoughtful- meaning they think before they speak!
7. Flexible
8. Accepting
9. Caring
10. Diplomatic
I could go on...
So in what universe would these characteristics be unflattering or unworthy of respect and admiration? Do we really live in a world where we believe that these make someone weak? I submit that it takes a lot more inner strength and intelligence to be nice and kind than it does to be a jerk. But I swear that I come across people every day who truly believe that nice people are losers, and you have to be more aggressive, argumentative, self-serving, ruthless, cocky, etc... to be effective, to be a leader, to be a winner.
I think that's a shame. I think it's sad. And I would say what I think of people who make decisions based on this kind of misguided thinking, but... I'm TOO NICE.
Have you ever heard someone say he or she is "too nice", and you just knew when they were saying it that what they really meant is ... annoying, fake, or too nice to be effective, or strong, or a leader. When did being nice become a negative thing? When did it become a "lack" of something?
I would like to offer the following. A person who is easy-going, friendly, kind, ie: nice - is probably also a person has a lot of very desirable qualities such as:
1. Positive
2. Empathetic
3. Patient
4. Leads by example
5. Of good character
6. Thoughtful- meaning they think before they speak!
7. Flexible
8. Accepting
9. Caring
10. Diplomatic
I could go on...
So in what universe would these characteristics be unflattering or unworthy of respect and admiration? Do we really live in a world where we believe that these make someone weak? I submit that it takes a lot more inner strength and intelligence to be nice and kind than it does to be a jerk. But I swear that I come across people every day who truly believe that nice people are losers, and you have to be more aggressive, argumentative, self-serving, ruthless, cocky, etc... to be effective, to be a leader, to be a winner.
I think that's a shame. I think it's sad. And I would say what I think of people who make decisions based on this kind of misguided thinking, but... I'm TOO NICE.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Let It Go, Let It Gooo
Why is it we fluffy ladies insist on wearing decidedly un-fluffy clothing? Is it delusion, desperation, delirium, or are we just into discomfort and pain? I'll address these one by one.
Delusion: I cannot tell you how many times I have gone into the dressing room at my favorite department store with clothing that is 2 sizes too small in the vain hope that my body will shrink 2 sizes so that I won't have to admit to myself I'm REALLY a size Fluff-teen, or worse, Fluff-ty something. Better to just avoid the dressing room, buy the size I want to be, and figure out how to squeeze into it when I get home.
Desperation: Maybe if I wear this tight, hot sweater that covers my upper arms and my hips and everything in between, people will think I am skinny. Maybe if I squeeze into my daughter's jeans they will think I am also a 20 year old college student. Maybe if I Spanx myself from head to toe like an Egyptian mummy I will feel sexy in my party dress..I can breathe again tomorrow. Sound familiar?
Delirium: This actually comes AFTER I have Spanxed myself, put on my tight hot sweater, and my daughter's jeans and BEFORE I can breathe again. When I am delirious I am sure that I look smokin' hot and NOT like a Johnsonville brat.
So now we come to the reason for my rant. Discomfort and pain and my wish to never experience these things related to how I dress ever again. Who was it who said "beauty is pain?" Well it was probably a man, but if not-she's a moron!! There is nothing remotely beautiful about being sweaty, short of breath, and in pain. It's not worth it ladies. Just...let it go. Buy the most beautiful, breezy, soft, comfy- yes, fluffy- clothing you can find IN YOUR SIZE and sink in. Drape yourself in chiffon, silk, cotton, or whatever feels good and fits right and float yourself into a room like an Arabian princess. Life is too short for tight clothes.
Delusion: I cannot tell you how many times I have gone into the dressing room at my favorite department store with clothing that is 2 sizes too small in the vain hope that my body will shrink 2 sizes so that I won't have to admit to myself I'm REALLY a size Fluff-teen, or worse, Fluff-ty something. Better to just avoid the dressing room, buy the size I want to be, and figure out how to squeeze into it when I get home.
Desperation: Maybe if I wear this tight, hot sweater that covers my upper arms and my hips and everything in between, people will think I am skinny. Maybe if I squeeze into my daughter's jeans they will think I am also a 20 year old college student. Maybe if I Spanx myself from head to toe like an Egyptian mummy I will feel sexy in my party dress..I can breathe again tomorrow. Sound familiar?
Delirium: This actually comes AFTER I have Spanxed myself, put on my tight hot sweater, and my daughter's jeans and BEFORE I can breathe again. When I am delirious I am sure that I look smokin' hot and NOT like a Johnsonville brat.
So now we come to the reason for my rant. Discomfort and pain and my wish to never experience these things related to how I dress ever again. Who was it who said "beauty is pain?" Well it was probably a man, but if not-she's a moron!! There is nothing remotely beautiful about being sweaty, short of breath, and in pain. It's not worth it ladies. Just...let it go. Buy the most beautiful, breezy, soft, comfy- yes, fluffy- clothing you can find IN YOUR SIZE and sink in. Drape yourself in chiffon, silk, cotton, or whatever feels good and fits right and float yourself into a room like an Arabian princess. Life is too short for tight clothes.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Hello Out There...
Hello Out There...
I have this image of my words as I type them rolling on the big screen like the Star Wars opening credits. Not because I think what I have to say is so monumentally important, but I feel like I am about to release something so private and personal into the webby cosmos and I know once I hit "publish" I can't take it back. Little scary. But with a title like Kim Kicks Lash, I'd better buck up and press on!
So, this is my first ever post on my own blog. I don't have any goals yet other than to talk about what interests me, and hope it's interesting to somebody else out there as well. Lofty goals.
Since this is all about me today, I will tell you a little story.
2014 hit me like a ton of bricks. As the New Year rolled around I had the proverbial epiphany, and realized a few things:
1. I am turning 50 this year
2. I am fluffy and lazy, ie: I spend way too much time playing FB games and watching tv
3. I love my kids and my husband, but I am bored, and undoubtably boring as well
4. I have way too much stress in my life
5. I don't want to start another year the same way.
I know, these are not earth-shattering revelations, they are not even unique. But they shook me, and I decided to make some changes. Since I can't stop time, I can't change the fact that I will be 50 in 15 days. And stress is an unfortunate and maddening part of life for women my age, what with growing children, aging parents, and yes, MENTALPAUSE. So what I am left with is fluffy and lazy, boredom, and boring-ness. While I was pondering what to do about my boredom, and starting my 5 zillionth unsuccessful New Year's diet, I saw an email come across my desk from my cousin Kelly. New business opportunity, yada yada, really like it, yada, would you be interested in trying it? Now, I am not a salesperson. In fact, at my current company, I was pretty much tossed out of sales on my fluffy butt. Luckily, I landed in the best possible office job, for which I am eternally delighted and grateful. But I digress...
She said the business was a new cosmetics company called Younique. I laughed. Really, that's the name? I won't go into detail about the jokes running thru my head, but I think I've seen it on the list of the "What's Your Stripper Name" game. So, I was skeptical. But it sounded super easy, it was only $99 to join, and I got a big beauty kit with lots of pretty colored makeup and stuff to play with. My girly girl won out, and I signed up. What I thought was a "mercy buy" to help my cousin and get some cool makeup, instead turned out to be the answer to # 2 and 3 on my list above. Turns out, I love the beauty biz. I mean realllly love it. I currently only work it part-time, but in just a few short months it has inspired and motivated me more than anything I can remember in the past lotta years. Being involved with Younique has rejuvenated me, I have made a lot of lovely new friends, have started to pay more attention to my health and how I present myself to the world, and sparked a new desire to bring beauty and skincare tips to women of all ages, because every girl deserves to feel great about herself!
So, my goal for this blog is to uplift and inspire, make you feel good when you read it, maybe even get a laugh or two.
Kicking lash and taking names!
I have this image of my words as I type them rolling on the big screen like the Star Wars opening credits. Not because I think what I have to say is so monumentally important, but I feel like I am about to release something so private and personal into the webby cosmos and I know once I hit "publish" I can't take it back. Little scary. But with a title like Kim Kicks Lash, I'd better buck up and press on!
So, this is my first ever post on my own blog. I don't have any goals yet other than to talk about what interests me, and hope it's interesting to somebody else out there as well. Lofty goals.
Since this is all about me today, I will tell you a little story.
2014 hit me like a ton of bricks. As the New Year rolled around I had the proverbial epiphany, and realized a few things:
1. I am turning 50 this year
2. I am fluffy and lazy, ie: I spend way too much time playing FB games and watching tv
3. I love my kids and my husband, but I am bored, and undoubtably boring as well
4. I have way too much stress in my life
5. I don't want to start another year the same way.
I know, these are not earth-shattering revelations, they are not even unique. But they shook me, and I decided to make some changes. Since I can't stop time, I can't change the fact that I will be 50 in 15 days. And stress is an unfortunate and maddening part of life for women my age, what with growing children, aging parents, and yes, MENTALPAUSE. So what I am left with is fluffy and lazy, boredom, and boring-ness. While I was pondering what to do about my boredom, and starting my 5 zillionth unsuccessful New Year's diet, I saw an email come across my desk from my cousin Kelly. New business opportunity, yada yada, really like it, yada, would you be interested in trying it? Now, I am not a salesperson. In fact, at my current company, I was pretty much tossed out of sales on my fluffy butt. Luckily, I landed in the best possible office job, for which I am eternally delighted and grateful. But I digress...
She said the business was a new cosmetics company called Younique. I laughed. Really, that's the name? I won't go into detail about the jokes running thru my head, but I think I've seen it on the list of the "What's Your Stripper Name" game. So, I was skeptical. But it sounded super easy, it was only $99 to join, and I got a big beauty kit with lots of pretty colored makeup and stuff to play with. My girly girl won out, and I signed up. What I thought was a "mercy buy" to help my cousin and get some cool makeup, instead turned out to be the answer to # 2 and 3 on my list above. Turns out, I love the beauty biz. I mean realllly love it. I currently only work it part-time, but in just a few short months it has inspired and motivated me more than anything I can remember in the past lotta years. Being involved with Younique has rejuvenated me, I have made a lot of lovely new friends, have started to pay more attention to my health and how I present myself to the world, and sparked a new desire to bring beauty and skincare tips to women of all ages, because every girl deserves to feel great about herself!
So, my goal for this blog is to uplift and inspire, make you feel good when you read it, maybe even get a laugh or two.
Kicking lash and taking names!
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