

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Surrender the PINK!!

Hi There!  

So, I realize I have totally stolen that title from Carrie Fisher's autobiography, and I am NOT going to explain what it actually means- you'll have to read the book :)  But I am celebrating my latest Younique promotion to Exemplary Pink Status (doesn't THAT sound special?)

All kidding aside, I am so proud and loving life!  I am thrilled that I am progressing and so happy to share that with you. One of the reasons I believe I am starting to have success with my business is that I am paying more attention to personal development. In fact, I am reaping the rewards in both of my careers, as well as in my personal life. For me, personal development means reading and listening and absorbing every speck of advice and insight I can.  It isn't always easy to take the time to just focus on myself, but it is oh-so worth it!

This week I watched a fab video about network marketing that I want to share with you.  It is by a colleague of mine, Amber Voight, and it is a must-see if you are in network marketing, or really in business of any kind. She is insightful, engaging, and fun to watch.  Amber will make you smile, and her message about building relationships and showing people the love will resonate.  It's no wonder she is such a success!  Here is a link to the video, one of many she has published.  I will be watching all of them!


So my message of the day is - no matter your age, profession, or the level of success you've achieved- there is always more to learn and new heights to hit.   So keep reaching!
XO til next time!


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