

Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Favorite Four-letter Word

When did "nice" become a "four-letter word?"

Have you ever heard someone say he or she is "too nice", and you just knew when they were saying it that what they really meant is ... annoying, fake, or too nice to be effective, or strong, or a leader.    When did being nice become a negative thing?  When did it become a "lack" of something?  

I would like to offer the following.  A person who is easy-going, friendly, kind,  ie: nice - is probably also a person has a lot of very desirable qualities such as:

1. Positive
2. Empathetic
3. Patient
4. Leads by example
5. Of good character
6. Thoughtful- meaning they think before they speak!
7. Flexible
8. Accepting
9. Caring
10. Diplomatic

I could go on...

So in what universe would these characteristics be unflattering or unworthy of respect and admiration?  Do we really live in a world where we believe that these make someone weak?  I submit that it takes a lot more inner strength and intelligence to be nice and kind than it does to be a jerk.  But I swear that I come across people every day who truly believe that nice people are losers, and you have to be more aggressive, argumentative, self-serving, ruthless, cocky, etc... to be effective, to be a leader, to be a winner.

I think that's a shame.  I think it's sad.  And I would say what I think of people who make decisions based on this kind of misguided thinking, but... I'm TOO NICE.


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